Thursday, October 7, 2010

Muiron Reef, Exmouth - Western Australia

Coral Reef, Muiron Islands
Scuba diving is another great passion of mine. I have never been a big fan of water until I discovered the underwater world in French Polynesia, Moorea to be more precise. Not only had I one of the most amazing experiences of my life when breathing underwater for the first time, a new world opened to my eyes, a world so beautiful it is worth preserving at all costs. Snorkeling is often enough to appreciate the beauties of coral reefs. 

On my first dive, a friend took his underwater camera to take a few shots. I was fascinated by the results and wanted to do the same so badly I invested in a Canon Ixus 800IS with its underwater case, the WP-DC5 model. 

The picture quality is great especially in places with clear water, like the Ningaloo Reef, on the western coast of Australia, near Exmouth. 

Life around the reef is very abundant and I could have chosen to share some photographs of colorful fishes. Instead, I am showing some pictures of an unusual reef, at least to my knowledge. Muiron Islands are well preserved reefs building up like trees in a forest. The competition for light is fierce under water. It is so much fun to dive in between those tall columns or better, along steep faces .

Comparable to the diversity of vegetation encountered in rain forests, the variety of different corals is mind boggling. I had the chance to dive slowly in this very special environment, admiring the colors and shapes of colonies of polyps. I hope to master the art of diving which is a perfect control of the buoyancy to be able to take sharp pictures. I clearly need some practice and hopefully our next trip to Turks and Caicos will help. 
And who knows, maybe one day I will even be good at underwater photography! In any case, I really enjoy it.

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